Tuesday, August 18

First Day of School-2015

I'm sure you are all flooded with back to school picks. 
This post is for Nana and Grandpa, Dadi and Dada-ji.

We made it through the summer.
9 weeks
swimming, sleepovers, playdates, parks, beach, adventures
you name it, we did it.

But now it is back to the books.

Jatin has started 5th grade.
Kingston is in 2nd.

My little boys are growing up fast.
A little too fast.....

The evolution of a boy.....



Thursday, August 13

Locks of Love

I am looking forward to the future, and feeling grateful for the past.
-Mike Rowe

Jatin is a boy with a beautiful heart and a beautiful head of hair. 
We cut it every couple of years and he always chooses to grow it back out. He looks super cute with long hair and the last time we cut it, after our big trip to India, he decided he was going to grow it out and donate it to Locks of Love.

He truly has a sweet and kind soul. 

It's been two years now and he can not wait any longer. He is constantly being mistaken for a girl and though he takes it in stride and politely corrects them with a smile he was feeling the need to look like a boy for a moment. He wanted a new haircut before the first day of 5th grade. Something short and cool (his words). 

Naturally, I obsessed over Pinterest. 

After doing some minor research into donations and the process, we came to the conclusion that Jatin's hair would not be long enough to donate to a Locks of Love hairpiece. It was 1" too short for the minimum donation length. Feeling a bit down that all this time and all his beautiful hair wouldn't be able to be used made us look more into the process. That is when we were introduced to the Pantene program.

The Pantene Beautiful Lengths Campaign works with the American Cancer Society to give free human-hair wigs to women who are suffering from cancer. Your ponytail only needs to be 8" in length to donate for a hair piece. A plus in our books.

So we trotted down to our hairdresser extraordinaire, Rachael, and Jatin received a supreme new hair style. Absolutely perfect for a new 5th Grader!!!

I think he is so handsome.

Oh and I forgot to mention that last week he turned TEN!!!!
Holy Batman.

Thank you Pantene and Locks of Love and all the other charities that help our people through a rough time in their life.
I am so fortunate to have two healthy boys.
 I am grateful for all that I have been given to care for.

-I am looking forward to the future, and feeling grateful for the past.
-Mike Rowe

Wednesday, July 15

Griffith Park Engagement

The greatest gift in life is friendship.
There are so many proverbs in this life about love and friendship. 
When you find your true love, you know. 
It just feels right.

Johnny and Veronica's first date was at the Griffith Park Observatory so it was only fitting we recreate it for their engagement photo shoot.

They are a perfect couple. I can not wait for their big day!!!

Thursday, April 16

Santa Monica Newborn Photographer

I've been working on this sweethearts gallery 
and am so very much in love.
Little Claire was the perfect newborn model.
She slept and didn't fuss, was all warm and cuddly.
Her parents are the absolute sweetest and I can not wait until our 6 month session.

For inquiries please visit www.michelepanizphotography.com
or email